Wednesday, March 26, 2008

What am I thinking?!?

I registered for my first doctoral classes today. What an interesting feeling to be at the end of a Master's program, finally done, and yet ready to forge on into another several years of study. Seems like I may never get out of school, but then again, I really kind of like it there, so on second thought, maybe there is no rush.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Visit to my Hometown

A recent trip to Oklahoma brought us reason to visit my hometown. Not many good memories there, but memories nonetheless. Much of my family has moved on or died leaving me little reason to return. Despite that, driving through gave me some weird feelings as I look at the small town of which I thought I could never shake myself.

It is funny how a place so familiar can look so different and yet so much the same. I marveled at how close to the roads houses were (here there are generally larger front yards). Places that seemed enormous to me back then wasn't as impressive to me now. (Although my son was quite intrigued by the size of my high school). There were several places that I wanted to see, just look at for a brief moment. We ate lunch in a diner downtown that used to be a shoe store that I worked in for a couple of years. I found myself wanted to see and experience more as I took in what used to be my old life.

As I reflect on that journey, I realized how much as a Christian we want to visit and remember the "good old days." Satan constantly reminds us of where we have come from, even if it is not from a good place. Familiarity is comforting, yet sometimes we must step out to experience the blessings that God has for us.

While it was fun to see, I am thankful that I have stepped out and been blessed. Man, God is good!

Monday, March 17, 2008


OK, no better way to start a blog than to dispell some myths about my identity. First of all, I was never in an episode of "Friends." My real name is not Chandler or Bing. And I was not a recent guest on the show, The Moment of Truth. I would like to claim responsibility for the brillant work done in movies and situation comedy, as well as the self-confidence to go on a game show and share my inner most thoughts, ideas and rompings. I guess my only moment of truth is that I hope people see me for who I am and are able to call me friend.